Is there a hydrant system where I live?
If you live in the Village of Cremona there is a hydrant system that we will use for fire suppression. All hydrants are within 600 feet or less to any residence within the Village of Cremona.
If you live in the Water Valley or any area that is not the Village of Cremona there is no hydrant system. Fire Suppression tactics will be deployed with the requirement that we shuttle water to the incident location using our Water Tender that is stationed in Cremona.
How Close is a fire station to where I live?
Please click on the link below to see a google map of our stations and their locations.
Is the Fire Department Manned full time?
No. Our department relies on our volunteers and their availability. The station is not manned and requires our volunteers to carry pagers while in the area. When a call is activated our members respond directly to the closest station. This means our ability to get on scene requires more time then a full time service would.